Minutes: 2006 BAOC Annual General Meeting

Shell Ridge Open Space
May 20, 2006

The meeting was called to order at 1:02 pm at Shell Ridge by Secretary Terry Farrah. Eighteen club members were present.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The proposed slate of officers was approved by unanimous vote. Serving BAOC for the 2006-2007 year will be: Nick Corsano, President; Brad Wetmore, Event Coordinator; Steve Beuerman, Treasurer; and Jim Waite, Secretary. A motion was passed to applaud all the outgoing officers.

SERVICE AWARD: President-elect Nick Corsano announced that the recipient of the 2005 BAOC Distinguished Service Award is Scott Aster. Scott has served with great distinction at the Board level and also as a active club volunteer.

STATE OF THE CLUB: Nick gave a report on the state of the club. Our clubs is strong financially, which is enabling us to make maps such as the ambitious one currently being made of Boggs Mountain in Lake County, on which we plan to conduct an A meet in 2008. Our club events have strong attendance thanks in part to our website and newsletter. And our club has a strong volunteer core directing events and setting courses.

Nick mentioned several challenges to which he will attend as president. Our membership has been steadily declining over the past several years. From members we get our volunteers, and from our volunteers we get our club leadership, so it is important to bolster membership.

We face some challenges regarding park use. Nick would like us to be pro-active in presenting ourselves as an environmentally friendly organization, and to look for ways to mitigate our impact, particularly with regard to traffic and parking. Terry Farrah will serve in a new position as Environmental Coordinator.

Finally, Nick would like the club to improve its Junior program, making BAOC a better club for youth to grow up in. Jay Hann will be replacing Nick as Junior Coordinator.

DISCUSSION: Club members were given an opportunity to speak. Tony Pinkham reminded us that BAOC is hosting a Ski Orienteering Festival in 2007, which will probably be a U.S. Championship event. Jeff Lanam suggested that we assist juniors by providing transport to distant events, such as a charter bus to Tahoe. Jeff also requested club member input about how to make the Bulletin more appealing. Mikkel Conradi suggested that we use our website to coordinate carpooling, and Mark Blair suggested we identify 8-10 standard carpool spots.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Farrah
Secretary, BAOC
May 20, 2006