Janet punches the finish with the help of twin daughters Katie and Sarah; Morgan Territory A-meet, October 2001 (Photo: Judy Koehler)

BAOC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: (Wed.) Dec. 6, 2006
Location: Menlo Park, CA
Event Director: - 650.906.9672
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors -- 7:00-10:00 pm; pizza will be available at 6:30 -- All club members are welcome

Minutes of the December 6, 2006 meeting of the BAOC Board of Directors

Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. at the Menlo Park Recreation Center

In attendance:

Nancy Lindeman
Scott Aster
Jay Hann
Everett Beuerman
Jean Beuerman
Esther Heller
Steve Beuerman
Mark Blair
Nick Corsano
Kelly Wells
Bob Cooley
Dan Greene
Brad Wetmore
Steve Gregg
George Minarik
Beth Dixon

1. Approval of Last Meeting Minutes – Nick Corsano

Minutes from last meeting were approved as corrected.

There were no email votes from last meeting.

2. President's Report – Nick Corsano

  • Still have club champs coming this weekend and volunteer appreciation event and holiday special
  • There have been great events with good turnout
  • Stanford event is back on the schedule
  • Bayfront Park—minor victory in that an advisory measure to put sports fields in the park was soundly defeated in November

3. Event Coordinator's Report – Brad Wetmore

This year there have been 35 days of orienteering open to the club/public, plus 2 days of volunteer appreciation (about 3 per month).

Mark Prior is going to Spain for business school, so we need to recruit a North Bay coordinator.

Reviewed preliminary list of events for 2007.

  • Ski Os planned for February will have numerous events.
  • We are working to confirm the event at Stanford. We expect this event will have the annual meeting. Will need to work on slate of candidates.
  • Last summer had lots of open weekends. This year we're in a somewhat similar situation because there are many national and international events so will have to plan around those.
  • Scout O is not scheduled at present, but Brad will talk to Gavin.

Wrap ups on parks and maps—have lost access to north part of Nisene Marks due to drug problems —possibly can use this area next year.

  • Big Basin is concerned about us finding other marijuana patches and is concerned about off trail use so they are requesting on trail events. This is being appealed.
  • Presidio—Concerns were expressed about the last event there. We were asked to stay out of some areas—near people's homes—but some runners didn't. Also, we had twice as many people (400) as we anticipated so now they want us to have a monitor—it will be more expensive. Will also need to re- emphasize where people should not go. We are not banned from the park but working to mitigate problems.
  • Lake Tahoe Forest Service is also enforcing rules on off trail activities and revising their forest plan. If the event has less than 75 people then we can go off trail (non commercial status) but this may not be rigid—perhaps can negotiate.

We are trying to figure out if a Goat will happen and who will do it.

4. Treasurer's Report – Steve Beuerman

Current status—no major surprises—entry fees slightly down from expected but expenses down too. Lots of last year's awards costs went into this year's budget so that amountt is higher than expected.

5. Mapping Report – Bob Cooley

Bob talked with Oakland Zoo which owns Knowland Park—there are small areas good for Orange courses. He will make map to be ready in spring.

More to do at Boggs Mountain—ready in June—14 total km, so far 9 are done, will be used in 2007-2008.

Spenceville—lots of restrictions on off trail use—the deed to the state required allowing off trail activities but state is trying to restrict that—will need careful negotiation—terrain is rolling, forested, low on detail, but very desirable. It is far away, last 10 or so miles on the approach are rough dirt road, probably 12-15 km. One meet has been held there already—2 hours travel time from Walnut Creek. Site is north of Sacramento, north of Lincoln, near Yuba City.

Other options—Pacheco Pass State Park—good forest back from road, not large, it is grazed. Ranger would like to have us there. He has some experience orienteering. There are windmills there, right on top of pass, just south of pass. Site is near Casa de Fruta—approximately 1 hour from South Bay. It could also be good for LAOC. They have requested that we find something we could do together with them. Parking is good.

Hunter Liggett Reservation—north of San Luis Obispo—2.5 hours south of San Jose. It is an active military base with paved roads in. Terrain is good. Commanding officer is open to having us. Distance may be a drawback. However, could possibly use army barracks for housing. Military might like a Jr. ROTC meet. Site has hundreds of square km. Terrain looks good. It is at the backside of Hearst property. Could possibly serve as U.S. Champs venue.

Should have base maps ready to be checked when field checkers are available.

Boreal is possibility?

Motion—Pacheco pass is club's top priority for a new map—Bob Cooley so moved, Motion passed with unanimous approval.

Henry Coe is possible if we can talk them into using gravel road to drive to center. There is one major north-south road, very wide, well engineered, good for all weather. There are existing parking lots. There is a 1500-foot climb to good terrain from parking lot.

Tahoe—problem with forest service rangers. There is a good North Star map, only used a couple times. Map could be used for summer or winter (sawmill flats). Despite its name it is not flat. It is owned by the corporation that owns North Star. It has been occasionally logged. It is more rugged than Burton Creek—lots of slash, parts are steep, but could run a shuttle to top and come down.

Some discussion about working with LAOC re. Hunter Liggett, but general decision not to do so at this time.

6. Tax Exempt Status – Nick Corsano

BAOC is a 501(c)(7) tax-exempt organization. USOF and most other clubs have 501(c)(3) status. Another c7 club was recently audited by the IRS, and the results of that audit suggest that it may be advisable for BAOC to apply for c3 status instead. Nick has talked with Robin Shannonhouse, Executive Director of USOF, who recommended this approach. Nick will continue to research the matter, and will report at the March Board meeting.

7. Budget Report – Steve Beuerman

Projected 2007 budget—A-meet income projected $3k less (to be conservative) , regular meets raised ecard fees, lowered entry fees, total $6k less income and $2k less than this year's projected income. New category—board expenses for rent of room and pizzas. Raised supplies because bought more than budgeted, lowered USOF fees, other admin $2k including possible attorney fees and filing fees for c3, USOF annual fee includes insurance, meet advertising to increase advertising, ads in magazines, Bulletin postage should remain the same, added entry for contributions, added more to junior activities, raised training activities to $300—to be determined, we owe $3k for epunch—possible unturned-in invoice, raised awards due to lots of champs events, new category for refreshments—taken out of other expenses, lowered registration supplies because some items should go elsewhere—e.g., gookinaid, map cases, toilet rentals increased. Need to consider ski trail pass costs. Need to slot in numbers for income and expenses for Ski-O (7 days). Steve will put $6k into budget (for income and expenses?). Park fee for Presidio will increase to $900 from $450.

Steve—moved that budget be approved as corrected with $6k balanced entry and ski passes, and changing e-punch from $2k to $4k. Vote—unanimous

Steve will produce a corrected copy to send to the board. Will publish approved final budget in the next Bulletin as per bylaws.

8. Longer-Term A-meet Scheduling – Brad Wetmore

Brad moves to have two "A" meets for 2008 early summer Burton Creek and fall Boggs Mountain. Some discussion of whether or not an untried park (Boggs Mountain) should be used. Also could Pacheco provide enough A-meet terrain? Consider Pacheco for 2009? Burton Creek—development may be happening—campground in middle of park (in approval stage). If too early could run into snow. One day at each Burton and Northstar? Brad amended motion—we will have "A" meets—look for a Tahoe area venue in early summer 2008 and event at Boggs Mountain fall 2008. Discussion about using an untried area (Boggs)—Vote on amendment—unanimous—final vote on motion—unanimous

Second issue—do we want to pursue relay champs for 2008? We have bid for Western State Champs for Boggs Mtn., and U.S. Ski-O. Some discussion about only having relay champ without another championship meet. People may not come from all over country for only one major meet. Perhaps better scheduled in longer festivals. General sentiment about championship bids for 2008—classic champs is open, have to have housing, t-shirts, dinners etc—not esp. good for Boggs Mtn. Could sound out Randy Hall, who maintains the national A-meet planning calendar, on whether others are interested. George will inquire—no further discussion or decision made otherwise. If people are interested in serving on A-meet committee for 2009 and beyond, inform Nick.

9. Map Donation for US Team practice

Map donation—brief discussion to donate maps for US team practice that Vlad is running—it was moved and seconded. Dan Greene—Talked with rangers at Calero, fine to give maps but some concern about using them without formal approval, ranger will talk with Vlad and is open to it, old Calero maps were offered, other site Vlad plans to use is Joe Grant

Motion—to allow Vlad to use maps of Calero and Joe Grant for training purposes for US team in January 2007 – Vote—unanimous

Calero ranger—they have been restricting off-trail for years but they have allowed us to do that, he said that parks are moving toward a trend in that direction

10. Interscholastic Championships – Jay Hann

Clubs can put up a team as of last year's change of rules, he will try to get a team together—is looking for anyone who can run an Orange course and has not yet graduated from HS, should be a club member or part of family membership. Also looking for anyone to travel with team to Maryland—last day of March, first day of April. George will go and help. Need chaperone or coach. There are 3 categories—min. of 3, max 15. Cost $1800 plus food—may get some funds. Goal to build some social bonds to encourage more general involvement. Preparation event on Friday. He will be putting announcement in Bulletin.

11. Nominating Committee – Nick Corsano

Wants to re-establish this—wants to have a bylaws review next year. Nancy will chair committee; will announce at March meeting possible nominees for leadership roles.

12. Ski-O Champs – Scott Aster

Tony Pinkham is working hard on this—finishing map work at Tahoe-Donner, most will allow planned bushwhacks, 4 entries already, Canada, east coast, one local. Tony is working on rental cabins, expects 100 people, higher attendance expected than any other Ski-O event in U.S. Current entries have registered for all 7 days. Scott is doing registration. Lots of people from east coast are interested in coming out. Some already have cabin registrations. There is a link on website, but registration application is a little complicated due to separate events. Will list entrants on website when more have registered. Bear Valley will provide extra instructors for skiing on Friday before events.

13. Western States Champs

Western States Champs in fall. George is designing courses, and Mark Blair will help. Starting in Jan., will look for lodging near Boggs Mtn. There is also a golf tournament in the area that weekend. Lodging may be tight. Permission has been obtained from ranger, USOF has sanctioned. Pictures of terrain will be posted on website. No water or bathrooms. It will also be in midst of grape harvest. Could do tie-in with that to increase interest. If people are interested in being crew chief, call Scott.

14. 2007 Annual Meeting

Nick said this should be in April—secretary will set time and location—set for Stanford on Community Day, April 15th—should probably do that on that day—announce it in March Bulletin and will be announced in January Bulletin.

15. Directors Reports

E-Punch (Trinka not present)

Nick reported that she would like to coordinate breaking down of epunch equipment—not do it all herself


Steve Gregg has decided not to be as informal due to park access issues—Nick's idea is to have one training per year set as regular event (training/social event) some activities for all levels of skill—inclusive of families, Nick talked with Brad about sites that could include picnic area—Joaquin Miller would be good, Big Basin or Joe Grant, China camp. Nancy coordinated running events last year using our maps.
Other major clubs commonly have training events. USOF coaching certifications are back. BAOC has no certified coaches, but there about 70 in U.S. total. If we get more people certified, then that could develop interest in training. Jay has a coaching manual, events happen after usual events. As convention there will be events to qualify.


2 groups want training—East Bay Parks and Richmond SWAT team, they want sessions during week during day. Various groups may want to have private events—inform Scott to make sure someone follows up.


Kelly—445 memberships currently—160 memberships expire this month.

Event Quality

Dan Greene said a challenge is helping people develop skills between White and Yellow to more advanced levels. Is consulting with Vlad about training events. Has been doing intermediate clinics.


Jay Hann will create a youth committee—meet monthly at first then quarterly, conference call—to get suggestions from them to present at Board meetings. Going forward with youth leader contest—to bring more youth to events GPS watch, wants to coordinate training—intermediate in June, then in Sept. a beginning training. Anyone interested in participating in training events—contact Jay.


Nancy Lindeman reports that Jennifer Kerr is helping with press releases, over 30 sent out currently, more will go out in January, has been listed on adventure racing calendars, and various others from USOF, Swedish orienteering, etc. Is also on USOF main page, LAOC main page, flyers in two fall "A" meets, Kansas and back east, met Canadian Ski-O squad member who put it on Canadian O-net. Sharon Crawford for U.S. Ski-O team has given contacts to invite other national teams. Could use more help with passing out flyers. There are also ads in ski magazines, and Tony wrote an article on ski orienteering in a skiing magazine.


Jeff—not here—Nick reported there is a new bulletin.


Van not present.


Mark Blair—North Bay kit is missing—after every "A" meet things get collected together and not immediately re-distributed—doing routine replacement of some items—clocks, signs

Registration – Nothing to report

USOF – Gary – Not present

16. No (Other) New Business

Next meeting – will continue present location – Tuesday, March 6th

Meeting adjourned at 9:52 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Beth Dixon (for Jim Waite)