BAOC Board Meeting Minutes

Date: (Tue.) Sep. 13, 2016
Location: Foster City, CA
Event Directors: - 650.281.5280, - 510.407.1876
Type: Quarterly meeting of the Board of Directors—7:00-10:00 PM; free pizza and salad will be available at 6:30—All club members and other interested people are welcome

Minutes of the BAOC Board Meeting held September 13, 2016

Present: Steve Haas (President), Steve Harrison (Event Coordinator), Scott Aster, Dennis Wildfogel, Jeff Lanam, Nancy Lindeman, Bob Cooley, Gary Kraght, Nick Corsano, Vicki Woolworth (Secretary), and Dan Greene.

Sharon Evans and Erin Schirm attended by phone. (A call-in option was offered for this meeting, and while Google Hangouts was not successful due to technical difficulties with speaker compatibility, a cell phone with Bluetooth speaker worked adequately.)

The meeting was called to order at 7:13 PM at the Foster City Recreation Center by President Steve Haas.

Online Votes/Approval of Minutes – Vicki Woolworth

There was an email vote that passed on July 1 to name Trinka Gillis as chair of the Junior Grant Committee, approve a junior grant, and delegate to the Junior Grant Committee the authority to apportion Junior grants up to the budgeted amount for 2016.
The minutes of the June 2016 meeting will be posted online for Board approval.

President's Report – Steve Haas

Steve reported that the new uniforms have been ordered, and thanked those who organized the effort.

Treasurer's Report – Sharon Evans

Sharon presented the current financial report. Disbursement of Junior grants is awaiting final paperwork. Boggs Mountain appreciated the pledge which the Board confirmed was $500.
Sharon solicited volunteers for the Budget Committee, the plan is to have a budget draft ready for the December meeting.
Sharon is following up on the recent donation for marketing, juniors, and mapping; inviting directors to prepare grant proposals.

Event Coordinator Report – Steve Harrison

Steve listed the event schedule for the rest of the year, and described the progress on next year's schedule, targeting 2 events per month. He also started a discussion on how to recruit event directors, asking what could be delegated to make the job easier. One suggestion was that we hire a paid "permit-getter" who could be an experienced point of contact for parks and other land holders.
The discussion also covered what type of events to offer, including different types of series, themes, seasons, and regular annual events to generate sustained interest. It was noted that 7-course events generally had higher attendance. Erin suggested hosting a money-making event such as a running race (possibly off-trail) for both the revenue and publicity.

National Event Report – Dennis Wildfogel

Dennis described the two upcoming national events: the sprint weekend December 9–11, and a two-day in March at Point Pinole and Briones.

2022 WMOC – Gary Kraght

We will have to decide by the end of 2018 whether to put a bid in for the 2022 World Masters Orienteering Championships, which will need to go first to OUSA then to the IOF. At this time we should be lining up sponsors and volunteer groups.

OUSA Board Election

As the OUSA Board election is contested this year, the BAOC Board voted on the distribution of BAOC's votes among the candidates. After information gathering and discussion, the Board approved a ballot distribution which Jeff Lanam will vote at the OUSA meeting.

Juniors – Erin Schirm

Erin suggested a trip to the Interscholastic Championships as an incentive for COOL participants. He will coordinate with Steve Harrison and Jay Hann to set up the COOL season.

Mapping Report – Bob Cooley

Zherdev worked on Big Basin for six weeks this summer​—​it will possibly be ready for a 2-day next fall. Bill Cusworth mapped Dinkey Creek for the Nav-X Rogaine. Matej Sebo is working on an ISSOM map of the Presidio, and Julia Doubson is mapping Palo Alto High School.

Directors' Reports

Publicity – Nancy Lindeman
Nancy felt the Juniors webpage could use an update, it would be good to have someone who could maintain it. Erin added that the BAOC site overall could use a mission statement. While we could use the writeup from the 501(c)(3) application, a suggestion was made to have some sort of meeting or retreat to consider the club's goals and create a statement; Steve Haas will look into this.

New Business

No new business.

Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicki Woolworth
BAOC Secretary