Bon Tempe Reservoir
Greg Ehrensing Memorial Volunteer Event 1
Date: (Sun.) Dec. 8, 2024
Location: Fairfax, CA
Event Director: - 408.568.6740
Course Setter: Martin Kunz
Type: C; Volunteer appreciation event; ONLY ON SUNDAY this time; as in the past, participation is limited to only club members who have volunteered this year; PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED; NO BEGINNER OR INTERMEDIATE COURSES
Related Event Information
WinSplits Results ( Attackpoint Results ( RouteGadget – Introduction RouteGadget – This Event ( Event Announcement
Event Write-Up
by Dennis Wildfogel ()
Fortune smiled on us once again, as the string of great weather for our annual Bon Tempe event continued. It was a bit chilly in the morning, but the sun was out, the rains from the previous week had brought out the greenery, and the mud had mostly dried up, making for great running conditions. This was our yearly Volunteer Appreciation event, with no entry fee — a small way that we say "Thank You" to our wonderful volunteers. It is also our annual memorial to Greg Ehrensing, a Marin resident and selfless volunteer who, sadly, passed away far too early.
Martin Kunz, a veteran course setter, designed very interesting courses for his first time setting at Bon Tempe. Many legs had multiple route choices, and, speaking to participants afterwards, it appears that someone or other took every possible route choice that Martin and I had discussed during the design phase.
Ouri Karni had an eleven-minute margin of victory on the Long course, while François Léonard, nursing a hamstring injury, won the Medium course by roughly half of that. Gary Kraght had a substantial margin of victory on the Short course, as did Sarah Williams on the physically moderate but still technically challenging Very Short course.
As always, many people volunteered their time to make the event a success. Scott Aster obtained the permit and took a turn at staffing the event computer. Jeff Lanam entered all the pre-registrants into the results software, staffed the computer for most of the day, and published the results after the event. Sarah Williams set up online registration. Theo Verhoeven, Tom De Vre, Steve Gregg, Ian Smith, and Jake Neibaum picked up controls. Ian, a former member of the U.S. Team, was at Bon Tempe for the first time after moving to the Bay Area about a year ago; Jake is a new member of the club who had also picked up controls at Shell Ridge a few weeks earlier. While Jeff was out on his course, it was reported that the battery of the final control had failed; Rex Winterbottom jumped in and used the computer to appropriately alter an unused punch unit so that Martin could replace the failed one. Scott, Sarah, and Marie-Josée Parayre brought delicious homemade treats to share.
Jeff set up a local Wi-Fi network that allowed everyone to see the results on their own cell phone — that was pretty awesome!
It was a fine day of orienteering and of conviviality. I hope more of you can make it next year.
Bon Tempe Reservoir
Fairfax, CA
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Very-Short Course Short Course Medium Course Long Course
Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results ( and on Attackpoint (
You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget for this event ( (Use of RouteGadget is explained here.)
- In RouteGadget, you can enter your route manually or upload a GPS recording and adjust to fit our map. The following tips apply to the GPS method.
- RouteGadget Tip #1: After selecting your GPX file, make sure to adjust the time offset between starting your watch at the Start line and leaving the Start Triangle. The offset can have a significant impact on your route accuracy. For most local events, the offset should be set to 0 as we start from the triangle (assuming you started your watch exactly when you started).
- RouteGadget Tip #2: After uploading your GPS track to RouteGadget, you can create additional blue adjustment points by right-clicking your track. You can use these points to better align your route with the map, for example, along trails. You can delete extra adjustment points by right-clicking them.
Please tell Jeff Lanam () and the webmasters () if anything needs to be changed.
Very-Short Course (1.4 km, 25 m climb, 6 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind Lost 1 Sarah Williams BAOC 44:15 2:17 2 Jeff Lanam BAOC 1:06:28 22:13 25:02 3 Rosemary Johnson BAOC 1:10:59 26:44 11:49 Leslie Minarik BAOC DNF Nancy Lindeman BAOC DNF
Short Course (3.3 km, 110 m climb, 13 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind Lost 1 Gary Kraght BAOC 55:15 0:00 2 Chuck Spalding BAOC 1:13:32 18:17 17:58 3 Olga Boiarynova BAOC 1:13:55 18:40 17:10 4 Scott Aster BAOC 1:32:30 37:15 12:05 5 George Minarik BAOC 1:36:48 41:33 16:22 6 Olga Kraght BAOC 1:39:12 43:57 22:11 7 Evan Custer BAOC 1:54:46 59:31 24:16 8 Dan Greene BAOC 2:00:06 64:51 11:39 Jay Hann BAOC DNF D. D. Freund GGO DNS
Medium Course (5.2 km, 235 m climb, 15 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind Lost 1 François Léonard BAOC 1:03:56 2:52 2 Tapio Karras BAOC 1:09:42 5:46 3:03 3 Steve Gregg BAOC 1:12:02 8:06 0:49 4 Andrej Masalkov BAOC 1:26:51 22:55 7:08 5 Marie-Josée Parayre BAOC 1:29:58 26:02 8:06 6 Matthias Kohler BAOC 1:31:10 27:14 9:45 Derek Maclean BAOC DNS Jerry Skirvin BAOC DNS Stephanie Maclean BAOC DNS Steve Haas BAOC DNS Van Boughner BAOC DNS
Long Course (6.7 km, 290 m climb, 21 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind Lost 1 Ouri Karni BAOC 1:14:48 0:43 2 Ian Smith BAOC 1:25:59 11:11 4:42 3 Tom De Vre BAOC 1:28:41 13:53 3:50 4 Brian Ritchken BAOC 1:55:25 40:37 32:03 5 Theo Verhoeven BAOC 2:02:28 47:40 11:24 6 John Richardson BAOC 2:06:36 51:48 38:49 7 Gavin Wyatt-Mair BAOC 2:20:55 66:07 23:45 8 Jake Niebaum BAOC 2:26:05 71:17 34:09 Rex Winterbottom BAOC MSP Andrew Petersen NAVX DNS Jeffrey Goodwin BAOC DNS Mikkel Conradi BAOC DNS Taylor Pospisil BAOC DNS
DNF = Did not finish (one or more controls missed)
DNS = Did not start
MSP = Mispunched (one or more incorrect controls)
1 We use this event to remember Greg Ehrensing, a dedicated BAOC member, who died in 2018 (at orienteering age 60). Greg particularly enjoyed this event "in his backyard" (since he lived nearby). He directed and course-set this event several times, as well as always helping out at this event and many others with whatever was needed even when he wasn't on the crew that day.