Presidio of San Francisco, Fort Scott
Event #3 of 6 in the BAOC 2019 Summer Series
Date: (Sun.) Jul. 7, 2019
Location: San Francisco, CA
Event Director: - 415.456.8118
Course Setter: Deron van Hoff
Type: C; This event will be part of the 2019 Summer Series — one course for Beginners, who are very welcome, and one "advanced" course — the courses will be "easier" than usual because of the nature of the park
Related Event Information
Event Announcement WinSplits Results ( RouteGadget – Introduction RouteGadget – This Event ( 2019 Summer Series
Event Write-Up
By , Event Director
About 100 people came out for a great day of orienteering at perhaps the most scenic orienteering location in the country! In addition to club members and local beginners, we were visited by a six-member group from Norway and a couple from Ireland, all on vacation, taking advantage of an opportunity to orienteer. Going orienteering while on vacation makes for an enjoyable "off the beaten path" adventure for most people. I strongly recommend that club members keep this in mind when traveling, especially when out of the country!
Course Setter Deron van Hoff set two courses: one for beginners, and a 5 km course that counted for the BAOC Summer Series.
While the times were fast, many participants made errors, not realizing how much detail is in the map, making it far more technical than many would surmise. Slowing down from your normal pace, while perhaps counter-intuitive at an "urban" setting, often results in a quicker time due to fewer mistakes.
Which brings me to the one black mark for the day. There are many rows of houses in the Presidio, winding here and there through the Park. These are mostly old, remodeled structures from the time when this was the headquarters for the U.S. Sixth Army. The areas around the houses are open, un-fenced, and usually green lawn and low flower beds. This makes it tempting to cut through between the houses as a shortcut on a course. We are expressly forbidden from doing so, however, and have been told by the Presidio Trust that our future use of the Presidio may be revoked if we trespass as such.
Despite clear instructions in the Course Setter's Notes, several people did take such short cuts, jeopardizing our future presence at the park. Hopefully, none of the park's residents reported this to the authorities!
I don't know what the best solution to this on-going problem is, but we must do better in order to keep us in the good graces of the Presidio Trust, and allow us to continue holding events here.
Beside this one issue, people did thoroughly enjoy themselves, the scenery, the picturesque locale, and the fun challenge of orienteering here. Many people could not get enough out of just one course, and tried both of them for added pleasure.
The event would not have happened without the help of several people: First and foremost, Deron van Hoff not only set the courses, but did most of the Event Director legwork ahead of time, including obtaining the permit. Deron hung all the bags the morning of the event, and then went out and collected many of them at the end of the day. A huge thank-you to Deron!
Graham Brew helped with setup and early starts, Steve Gregg worked starts as well, and Chuck Spalding gave several clinics throughout much of the morning. Steve Haas single-handedly ran registration, and Jeff Lanam and Rosemary Johnson ran E-punch throughout the day. Deron, Peter Graube, Rex Winterbottom, and Wayne Staats collected controls, making it a quick and easy take-down at the end of the day.
Thank you to everyone who came out!
Presidio of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Beginner Course Orange Course Summer Series Points Summer Series Standings
Also see control-by-control timing in the WinSplits results (
You can see the event map with the actual routes traveled by participants, and draw your own route for comparison, in RouteGadget for this event ( (Use of RouteGadget is explained here.)
Beginner Course (3.2 km, 85 m climb, 12 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind Lost 1 Jeff Goodwin BAOC 24:05 2:19 2 Jason Reed BAOC 26:23 2:18 2:26 3 Michelle Hekmaty 35:54 11:49 3:24 4 Kai Douglas 36:18 12:13 6:18 5 Stephanie Guerguieva BAOC 55:07 31:02 4:11 6 Ian Leatherbury 55:43 31:38 16:00 7 Amalia Kretchetov, Ada BAOC 56:03 31:58 5:44 8 Chun Jung 57:00 32:55 9:05 9 Juha family BAOC 1:00:40 36:35 7:01 10 Adrian Gonzales 1:01:44 37:39 4:10 11 Seena Khosrowbeygi 1:03:55 39:50 8:52 12 Irene Knowland 1:04:25 40:20 4:47 13 Mahyar McDonald 1:09:17 45:12 13:06 14 Clyde Hedrick 1:11:22 47:17 10:24 15 Gorden Bloom BAOC 1:11:23 47:18 30:56 16 Shura & Leta Kretchetov BAOC 1:12:10 48:05 16:20 17 Dawn Sakurai 1:13:02 48:57 11:26 18 Katherine Lieban 1:24:10 60:05 18:42 19 Nancy Lindeman BAOC 1:24:12 60:07 8:09 20 John Abdou 1:28:57 64:52 7:19 21 Weston Prior BAOC 1:38:49 74:44 22:58 22 Anna & Clara Staats BAOC 1:57:49 93:44 21:41 23 Barbara Robben BAOC 2:26:44 122:39 55:06 Erika Reed BAOC DNF Jack Husband DNF
Orange Course (5.0 km, 140 m climb, 15 controls) Time Pl Name Club Time Behind Lost 1 François Léonard BAOC 37:14 1:04 2 Jeff Goodwin BAOC 37:18 0:04 2:15 3 Rex Winterbottom BAOC 41:05 3:51 0:29 4 Wayne Staats BAOC 41:51 4:37 3:31 5 Mark Prior BAOC 42:51 5:37 7:11 6 Tapio Karras BAOC 43:44 6:30 1:55 7 Erik Rosenvald Porsgrunn OL 44:27 7:13 0:00 8 Graham Brew BAOC 44:55 7:41 2:18 9 Haavard Skriubakken Porsgrunn OL 44:58 7:44 1:15 10 Jon Skriubakken Porsgrunn OL 47:07 9:53 2:26 11 Steve Gregg BAOC 50:00 12:46 2:04 12 Jason Reed BAOC 50:29 13:15 5:15 13 Hilda Rosevald Porsgrunn OL 50:38 13:24 2:25 14 Eduard Nasybulin BAOC 52:25 15:11 7:03 15 Bobby Smyth NWOC 52:41 15:27 2:26 16 Zachary Lyons BAOC 53:37 16:23 2:38 17 Tommy Ingulfsen BAOC 53:39 16:25 4:56 18 Camilla Rosevold Porsgrunn OL 55:46 18:32 2:10 19 Fyodor Konkov BAOC 56:17 19:03 3:54 20 Michael Lyons BAOC 57:23 20:09 5:51 21 Matthias Kohler BAOC 59:38 22:24 4:30 22 Steve Haas BAOC 1:00:08 22:54 5:35 23 Sheila Cotter BAOC 1:02:57 25:43 4:19 24 Chuck Spalding BAOC 1:02:59 25:45 7:18 25 Erika Reed BAOC 1:04:46 27:32 8:20 26 Jason Lee BAOC 1:04:52 27:38 7:51 27 Kai Douglas BAOC 1:08:01 30:47 8:40 28 Bob Strauss BAOC 1:11:34 34:20 10:38 29 Johanna Merriss BAOC 1:11:59 34:45 5:30 30 Shura Kretchetov BAOC 1:16:03 38:49 13:08 31 Werner Haag BAOC 1:16:29 39:15 17:58 32 Irena & Nick Stefanova BAOC 1:18:16 41:02 3:09 33 Seth Benkle BAOC 1:27:57 50:43 12:38 34 Phillip Hoare BAOC 1:30:10 52:56 9:49 35 Clifton Lyles BAOC 1:34:58 57:44 38:34 36 Raymond & Jennifer Spore Troop 92 1:35:15 58:01 15:01 37 Alexander van Hoff BAOC 1:36:15 59:01 13:01 38 Justin Hagler 1:37:26 60:12 17:08 39 Brooke Staats BAOC 1:44:38 67:24 18:44 40 Jeff Lanam BAOC 1:48:49 71:35 15:12 41 Rosemary Johnson BAOC 1:53:55 76:41 4:36 42 Darren Blum, Ed Cornelius 1:57:39 80:25 25:36 43 Samuel Kretchetov BAOC 2:22:13 104:59 30:54 44 Adrian Gonzales BAOC 2:22:24 105:10 38:27 45 Gary Carpenter BAOC 2:40:47 123:33 21:59 46 James Carpenter BAOC 2:41:03 123:49 20:57 47 Jue family 3:14:25 157:11 0:00 Jean van Hoff, Julie BAOC DNF
Summer Series Points
The methodology of determining Summer Series points is explained here. In particular, note that group/team entries do not earn points, and 21-year-old male is assumed if we don't have your birth year ("M21" below). (Also keep in mind that BAOC membership is required [by the final event] for the Series cumulative awards [but not to earn points].)
August 15th Update: A few corrections have been made.
Points For This Event
Pl Name Points 1 François Léonard 1000 2 Tapio Karras 940 3 Jeff Goodwin 913 4 Rex Winterbottom 894 5 Mark Prior 852 5 Steve Gregg 852 7 Wayne Staats 824 8 Graham Brew 819 9 Sheila Cotter 808 10 Johanna Merriss 783 10 Steve Haas 783 12 Chuck Spalding 769 13 Fyodor Konkov 747 14 Matthias Kohler 721 15 Michael Lyons 701 16 Jason Reed 675 (M21) 17 Eduard Nasybulin 658 17 Tommy Ingulfsen 658 19 Zach Lyons 635 20 Erika Reed 616 21 Bob Strauss 587 22 Jason Lee 579 23 Werner Haag 566 24 Kai Douglas 503 24 Phillip Hoare 503 26 Rosemary Johnson 486 27 Shura Kretchetov 479 28 Jeff Lanam 394 29 Seth Benkle 386 (M21) 30 Brooke Staats 371 31 Clifton Lyles 357 (M21) 32 Alexander van Hoff 352 (M21) 33 Gary Carpenter 293 34 Adrian Gonzales 238 (M21) 34 Samuel Kretchetov 238 (M21) 36 James Carpenter 210 (M21)
Summer Series Standings
- Abbreviations used below:
- UCB = U.C. Berkeley; OBP = Oyster Bay Park; SFP = San Francisco Presidio; MCO = Mills College, Oakland; DVC = Diablo Valley College; BBP = Bedwell Bayfront Park; cr = Credit for Event Director or Course Setter; ED = Event Director; CS = Course Setter
August 15th Update: A few more changes to the points for the U.C. Berkeley event have been made, and the corrections for this event have been included. For most people, the change was small, but there were some changes to the order.
Num. Best Pl Name UCB OBP SFP MCO DCV BBP Total Runs Four 1 Rex Winterbottom 860 886 894 ED 2640 3 2640 2 Wayne Staats 700 804 824 CS 2328 3 2328 3 Steve Haas 709 721 783 ED 2213 3 2213 4 Fyodor Konkov 583 718 747 2048 3 2048 5 François Léonard 1000 1000 CS 2000 2 2000 6 Bob Strauss 644 651 587 1882 3 1882 7 Yurii Konovalenko 826 1000 1826 2 1826 8 Jeff Goodwin 789 913 1702 2 1702 9 Tapio Karras 750 940 1690 2 1690 10 Eduard Nasybulin 512 486 658 1656 3 1656 11 Chuck Spalding 833 769 1602 2 1602 11 Daniel Šebo 801 801cr 1602 2 1602 13 Jason Lee 614 393 579 1586 3 1586 14 Sheila Cotter 695 808 1503 2 1503 15 Lori Huberman 743cr 743 1486 2 1486 16 Jan Cisar 704 736 1440 2 1440 17 Greg Favor 632 791 1423 2 1423 18 Deron van Hoff 704 704cr 1408 2 1408 19 Tommy Ingulfsen 682 658 1340 2 1340 20 Michael Behrens 564 762 1326 2 1326 21 Werner Haag 701 566 1267 2 1267 22 Evan Custer 606 637 1243 2 1243 23 Matthias Kohler 509 721 CS 1230 2 1230 24 Peter Hsia 564 609 1173 2 1173 25 Jason Reed 427 675 1102 2 1102 26 Jenny Casanova 925 925 1 925 27 Riley Culberg 860 860 1 860 28 Julia Doubson 853 853 1 853 29 Mark Prior 852 852 1 852 29 Steve Gregg 852 852 1 852 31 Michael Ertmann 833 833 1 833 32 Dennis Wildfogel 826 826 1 826 33 Graham Brew 819 819 1 819 34 Anastasiya Gordeeva 807 807 1 807 35 Kevin Culberg 795 795 1 795 36 Johanna Merriss 783 783 1 783 36 Marie-Josée Parayre 783 ED 783 1 783 38 Takashi Sugiyama 777 777 1 777 39 Marcy Beard 755 755 1 755 40 Amalie Ertmann 744 744 1 744 40 Stephen Harrison 744 744 1 744 42 Jeff Lanam 344 394 738 2 738 43 Mikkel Conradi 732 732 1 732 44 Theo Verhoeven 714 714 1 714 45 Andrej Masalkov 709 709 1 709 46 Michael Lyons 701 701 1 701 47 Clifton Lyles 336 357 693 2 693 48 Sam Coradetti 666 666 1 666 49 Gavin Wyatt-Mair 656 656 1 656 50 Florine Tailleur 652 652 1 652 51 Ray Rosenbaum 651 651 1 651 52 Zach Lyons 635 635 1 635 53 Gavin Williams 632 632 1 632 54 Carlo Giacometti 621 621 1 621 54 Gary Kraght 621 621 1 621 56 Samuel Kretchetov 381 238 619 2 619 57 Erika Reed 616 616 1 616 58 Tom de Vre 592 592 1 592 59 Nick Corsano 562 562 1 562 60 Olga Kraght 519 519 1 519 61 Jennifer Kerr 507 507 1 507 62 Kai Douglas 503 503 1 503 62 Phillip Hoare 503 503 1 503 64 Rosemary Johnson 486 486 1 486 65 Shura Kretchetov 479 479 1 479 66 Max Behrens 472 472 1 472 67 Steve Keg 461 461 1 461 68 John Beard 458 458 1 458 69 Chun Wu 443 443 1 443 70 Jay Hann 440 440 1 440 71 John Richardson 433 433 1 433 72 Laurel Larsen 420 420 1 420 73 Trevor Pering 389 389 1 389 74 Seth Benkle 386 386 1 386 75 Brooke Staats 371 371 1 371 76 Alexander van Hoff 352 352 1 352 77 Steve Beuerman 336 336 1 336 78 Gary Carpenter 293 293 1 293 79 Hani Juha 247 247 1 247 80 Adrian Gonzales 238 238 1 238 81 James Carpenter 210 210 1 210 82 Scott Aster ED 0 0 0 82 Troy Kaji ED 0 0 0 82 Vicki Woolworth ED 0 0 0
DNF = Did not finish (missed one or more controls)