Results (2025)

Results for events in 2025 are below. Looking for older results? Please check out the results from previous years (or use the handy year selector below to reload the page for a previous year).

Note: If you are looking for the results of a distant (e.g., national or international) event not listed below, look for the event's entry in the Archive of event announcements. The event website probably includes a link to the results. The results for U.S. National Ranking Events (NREs) can be found here (


Date Event Name,
Type, and Notes
Event Director
or Contact
Course Setter(s)
Feb. 1
Go Wild! Lime Ridge, 2-hour Map Adventure; Walnut Creek, CA - 510.681.6181
terraloco (LOCO)
Rex Winterbottom
Enjoy a trail & wilderness scramble among majestic oaks, quarries, & grasslands of Lime Ridge Open Space. Teams of 1-5 have 2 hours to use a custom map to find up to 20 checkpoints on & off the trails. Preregister for lower fees. (Not a BAOC event)
Jan. 26
Coyote Lake – Harvey Bear Ranch County Park
Gilroy, CA
- 707.567.3496
Tom De Vre,
Theo Verhoeven
B; Standard 7-course event for beginners through advanced; at the Coyote Lake side of the park as in previous years; everyone is welcome, including non-members and beginners, with free, brief, beginner instruction available
Jan. 12
"2024" Golden Goat & Golden Kid
Camp Tamarancho, Fairfax, CA
- 415.456.8118 Mikkel Conradi
C; After missing a year, we have the return of an extra-long "Goat" course, and a long "Kid" course, with a shared mass start; there will be NO BEGINNER COURSES at this special event