Briones Regional Park
Date: (Sun.) Oct. 9, 2011
Location: Lafayette, CA
Event Director: - 925.934.6567
Course Setters: Gavin Wyatt-Mair, Alan Houser
Type: B; Regular 7-course BAOC event in conjunction with the Scout-O Championships
Related Event Information
The full range of beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses are available to everyone. In addition, this event is the 19th Annual Scout-O Championships!
All the courses use E-punch. To cross fences, you may go over, under, or through wherever you like, but remember it is barbed wire. The star thistle is down somewhat this year, but long pants are highly recommended on Yellow and above. Poison oak on the courses is minimal to zero (see below). Wildlife we have seen include deer, eagles, coyote, skunks, buzzards, orienteers, ticks, turkeys, goats, cows, and frogs. The weather forecast calls for nice temperatures, sunny and clear.
The Start is about 0.8 km from the parking lot, and 120 meters of climb. It takes 20 to 25 minutes to hike there. The Scout-O overlaps the White, Yellow, and Orange courses. Please be tolerant. Also, remember that horses have the right of way, and try not to scare them. Be polite to other park users please (this is a requirement for future permits).
Registration for the regular event will be open from about 9:00. The earliest start is at 10:00; latest start at 12:30.
There is limited water in the park. Please bring your own water.
Navigational Physical Course Distance Climb Controls difficulty difficulty
White (1) 2.9 km 85 m 10 Easy Easy Yellow (2) 3.1 km 98 m 11 Easy Easy Orange (4) 3.6 km 210 m 13 Moderate Moderate Brown 3.5 km 175 m 13 Hard Moderate Green 5.1 km 285 m 18 Hard Hardish Red 6.2 km 345 m 26 Hard Hard Blue 7.3 km 450 m 29 Hard Hard
(Numbers in parentheses indicate the corresponding Scout-O courses.)
Beginners' Courses
Please allow plenty of time to get to the start (see above).
Advanced Courses
The advanced courses are a mixture of forest requiring careful navigation, and open that can be taken at speed. Footing is good, especially after the recent rains. There are stickers in the open, and some ankle-high sprigs of poison oak in the forests. There are also some huge bushes of poison oak that are easy to avoid.
There are two symbols used for distinct trees. The green circle represents a distinct evergreen tree, while the green × represents a distinct deciduous tree.
Request for Help
This is the annual request for assistance at the Briones B-event and Scout-O Championships. The event should be another good opportunity for our club to show off, and hopefully it will pay off in increased memberships in the years to come, be a good exposure for our sport, and be a positive experience for hundreds of scouts and adults.
If you can help in any of the following positions, please let me know your preference, as well as the course you'd like to run, and how much time you can give:
- Instruction
- Start
- Finish
- Results
- Pre-running
- Control pickup
- Parking
- E-punch
We are expecting many people at the event, so we really need help. Any amount of help is very much appreciated. Anyone who volunteers to help should still be able to run their course.
Driving Directions
Registration will be at the west entrance to the park, off of Bear Creek Road. To get there, take Route 24 west from I-680 or east from I-80. Exit at Orinda heading north on Camino Pablo. After about 2 miles, turn right onto Bear Creek Road. After about 3.5 miles, the park entrance will be on your right (don't be fooled by the parking area on the left — that's not it), and is well sign-posted.
There is a charge of approximately $3.00 for park entrance.
Please carpool if possible.
There's a map here that shows the location of the event.
Do not park in the east dirt parking lot, south side. This is for horse trailers.