2023 Summer Series – Event #1 Standings
Related Event Information
The BAOC 2023 Summer Series is underway, with the first event held in San Luis Obisbo on May 28th as part of the three-day SLO Go! event.
As previously detailed, the scoring of this event is a little different than the other Series events. The Series "Short" times are the times from the Stage #3 Short course Sunday morning, and the Series "Long" times are the times from the Stage #3 Sprint course plus the times from the Stage #4 Chase course Sunday afternoon. Hence, only valid finishers of both courses can record a score for the Long competition.
To get accurate scores we need the ages and genders of the competitors (otherwise we assume you are a 21-year-old male). It's great to see so many athletes from other clubs in the results, but in general I only have the ages of the BAOC athletes easily available. And three BAOC runners for which I do not have ages are Jan Wignall, David Williams, and Kaushik Komndur. If anyone of these people—especially anyone who intends to compete in further Summer Series events—wants to send me their year of birth, I will happily make sure the scores reflect this (you will almost certainly boost your score if I know your correct year of birth).
The SLO event scores (and hence the Series standings to date) are given below. A huge thank you to Rex Winterbottom, Matej Šebo, and all the volunteers who helped make this event possible. A special mention to BAOC Secretary John Richardson who refreshed the spreadsheet we use for scoring the series, thus making my task a lot easier. Thanks John! Although any errors are, of course, mine and mine alone.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Mills College on Sunday, June 11th, for Event #2!
All the details of the Summer Series are here.
Remember, there are significant savings if you register now for Summer Series Discount Package, which will register you in all the remaining events in the series. You can register for the Discount Package here (https://eventreg.orienteeringusa.org/eventregister/a40/register/start/23sspackage).
– Graham Brew, BAOC Summer Series Coordinator ()
The details of the time results are here.
2023 Summer Series Short Rankings after Event #1
1 Takashi Sugiyama 1000 2 Dennis Wildfogel 958 3 Mikhail Biryukov 826 4 Roland Hansson 798 5 Annika Mihata 736 6 Stephanie Maclean 715 7 Derek Maclean 696 8 Nikita Phillips 667 9 Leslie Minarik 609 10 George Minarik 588 11 Kai Douglas 581 12 Christian Whitmyre 550 13 Sarah Williams 544 14 Jeff Lanam 508 15 Bruce Corning 486 16 Kevin Mihata 477 17 Eugene Kipermann 453 18 Bruce Garbaccio 441 19 John Phillips 370 20 Scott Drumm 341
2023 Summer Series Long Rankings after Event #1
1 Julia Doubson 1000 2 Wayne Staats 825 3 Eric Rosenzweig 815 4 Sergey Biryukov 795 5 Thomas Burt 786 6 David Williams 696 7 Jan Wignall 618 8 Kaushik Komndur 426 Rex Winterbottom ED credit pending future result Matej Šebo CS credit pending future result